You’re no doubt probably well equipped with the knowledge to socialise with friends of Facebook, but what on earth do you do when it comes to your small business. Just how do you make the most of your time and efforts and harness the power of Facebook for Marketing?
#1: Get your Facebook fans to upload photos relating to your product/s.
Share your Beach by Corona is a cool way to get your audience involved and it’s what Facebook is all about. They ask that you upload a photo of your beach and you could be a lucky one to get featured in their ‘Beach of the Week’.
#2: Think outside the square for your next product launch.
Ford’s been releasing the Ford Explorer at an Auto Show for 50 years but this year they decided to take a fairly big risk and launch it entirely on Facebook, which might just be a world first. They set out to spread their brand by ‘word of mouth’ instead of relying on mass media and it was a huge success.
They ran a competition to asking for the best dream adventures and a select few won and got to play out those adventures, with the Ford camera crew of course. Video’s a great way to increase exposure for your business. Consider holding a video competition next time instead of running those newspaper ads.
#3: Increase Newsletter Subscriptions
Cliff Bar have implemented a new strategy to increase their newsletter database (prospect and client list!) by creating a page on their Facebook fan page for people to ‘like’ their page and signup to their newsletter. It’s a great way to reach a larger audience and therefore gain a larger database! Cliff Bar have also made it easy to sign up… “Click ‘Like’ to sign up!”.
#4: Drive up your fan count. Ask people to like your page.
Let your customers and website visitors know that you are active in the social media space by placing notifications or “connect with Facebook” buttons on your website. North Social do this in a way so that if people ‘Like’ their Facebook page, they will receive social media tips and tricks to their inbox. Adding a little incentive will help drive up this fan count.
#5: Get creative with your pics.
Use every available space of your Facebook page as a creative outlet! Check out the Oreo Facebook Page. They have used the photo strip as a way to indicate how you can have your Oreo and love it! Make sure when uploading images for your photo strip that these images are 97 x 68 pixels or create them so they can scale and crop well to that size. Remember you cannot reorder these photos so upload them in the order you want to view them! Too easy!
#6: Involve your customers by including them in your content
Customers love being acknowledged by the companies they use, its a part of building strong client relationships. Gold’s Gym does this very well. Not only do they include their customers but they include them in a way that it is positively promoting the business. Check it out!
#7: Use Facebook to Cross-Promote
Let the wider community, your fans and customers know that you are involved! Cross-promoting with other organizations builds up your credibility; for example Pringles cross promoted with and advertised the campaign through their facebook page.
#8: Get Creative with Facebook Ads
Think of it this way, instead of placing an ad in your local newspaper and paying to reach all the thousands of people who don’t want your product, harness the power of Facebook and pinpoint exactly the ones that want what you sell.
#9: Invite customers and fans to an event
Interact with your fans and customers and use the events function on Facebook. Invite them to a product launch or use it as a tool to remind them when a new product is being released. Events is great as it is constantly a reminder to your fans that something is going to happen!
Working Facebook for Marketing into your marketing plan should definitely be high on your list of priorities. Over 10 million Aussies are now on Facebook. That number had grown by a staggering 60% on the previous year. Can you afford to not be a part of this shift in the way we do business? I know I’m not gonna take the chance!
How have you been creative with the way you use Facebook for Marketing? Leave us a comment below.
Need a hand with designing your Facebook for Business page? Check out our Facebook Fan Page Design service here.